Like every other Sydneysider, Living Choice Glenhaven retirement village resident Carmel Heinrich is subject to COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. She's taken the time to explain what's been going on at her village during lockdown.
Well, here we are again, locked down in our villas at Living Choice Glenhaven.
But what a place to be – we’re feeling very fortunate that we’re in a safe, friendly environment with plenty to do.
OK, so there’s not the usual activities that we’ve all become used to – exercise classes, social groups of all descriptions, bus trips, etc. but it’s made us look outside the square.
Our wonderful management team headed by Gail Eyres put out a Village Hunt – a bit like hide and seek for adults.
Clues were given to find a certain object or plant and at which villa it resided.
The hunt had the desired effect.
On the beautiful sunny days between the rainy, cold ones, residents set out to find the answers.
This resulted in some of us meeting people we’d not met before and others catching up with some they hadn’t seen for eons – all socially distanced of course!
Swapping answers was high on the agenda but one particular question, “find the lipstick plant” bought several non-gardeners hot-footing it to Google to see what a lipstick plant looked like.
When the lockdown finishes residents with correct answers will be treated to a village morning tea.
Our Leisure Centre is being given a spring-clean in winter.
Carpets have been cleaned and our auditorium has been given a coat of paint - fifty shades of grey, or should that be fifty shades of white?
Some energetic residents have taken to re-arranging the furniture, painting outdoor furniture and giving their gardens a clean-up ready for spring plantings.
It certainly is a time to ‘take a cutting’.
Our bins have never been so full.
Everyone is doing spring-cleaning early, jettisoning things no longer needed or preparing boxes for Vinnies.
Should haircuts be mentioned? We gals will be wearing ponytails if something doesn’t give soon.
Street afternoon teas are popular – again socially distanced. At one soiree, a resident ditched the tea and filled his coffee mug with a good red.

Happy Hour arrived early that day!
Other streets brought forward the usual Happy Hour time and held a more traditional event with BYO, cheese & bikkies before the cold set in around 3pm.
Phone and email keep us all connected – good for checking on those living alone.
Netflix and Foxtel have been given a work-out with residents recommending programs to each other and books and jigsaws again fill the days.
And, what did we do before Zoom and Face Time?
They don’t take the place of family and friends visiting but certainly hit the spot till we can all meet again.
How fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful, caring community.